Reflexology is a holistic healing technique that stimulates reflex points on the feet, hands, and ears. These pressure points are connected to every part, gland, and organ in the body. When applying pressure/manipulations with our hands to these points, it creates relaxation to the body so that blood, nutrients, and energy can flow along the nerve line to those parts of the body.
This stimulates and restores balance and promotes healing. Many think of reflexology as a needless form of acupuncture. It can help with reducing stress, improving sleep, relieving pain, and restoring the body to a better state of balance. So, whether you're looking to relax or work on a specific issue, reflexology can be a great option for you!
920 Wellness Studio - oshkosh location
501 N Main St
Oshkosh, WI 54901
Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-6pm
(Hours of individual providers may differ.)